2030 Vision

Where we feel God leading New Heights Bentonville.


Here’s a snapshot of what we are currently working toward. We hope and pray that by 2030, this can be said of New Heights Bentonville:

We are passionate disciples united by our absolute love for Jesus Christ. It’s all about Him and all for His glory.

We are a generous and welcoming church where every person is seen, known, and grows in their love for God. Everyone has a place here.

We are hungry for God’s Word and desperate for the Holy Spirit’s empowerment. The story of our church is unexplainable apart from the presence of God.

We equip everyone to live a life of faith, from the curious seeker to the committed disciple. Hundreds of people have come to faith, and by God's grace, we are making disciples across every stage of life.

We are a safe place to be a person in process; we care for the hurting and are known for our tangible love.

Marriages are thriving, kids are trusting in Jesus, and families with special needs are finding rest.  Spiritual community is robust and life-giving. Everyone is connected to a group where they are growing in the Gospel.

We send disciples to their neighborhoods and to the nations to share the good news of Jesus.  We are more than talk. We're risk-takers for the Kingdom. We have planted churches, started a prayer room, and launched businesses and non-profits to meet real needs in our city.



Join us in prayer in the following ways.

Ask that an abiding love for Jesus Christ would burn deeply in our hearts.

Pray that we would be a community of radical generosity, welcome, and openness.

Ask for the Holy Spirit's presence, an unquenchable thirst for God’s Word, and a daily experience of His power.

Ask God to move in mighty and unexpected ways, making the story of New Heights Bentonville unexplainable apart from God's presence

Ask God to give us the wisdom and resources to equip everyone to live a life of faith and that people from all walks of life would believe in Jesus and be baptized.

Ask the Spirit to move in our hearts to see and care for all who walk through the doors. Pray for compassion and listening ears as we offer people a safe place to be a person in process.

Pray for a robust, life-giving, transformational community, everyone is connected to a group where they can grow in the gospel.

Ask that the Spirit would burden our hearts for the lost and we would share the good news of Jesus in our neighborhoods and with the nations.

Ask for boldness. That we would be risk-takers for Christ and that we would plant churches, start initiatives, and launch businesses that meet real needs in our city.

The Along the Way Podcast

Along the Way is a podcast by New Heights Bentonville where we celebrate stories of lives transformed and dig deep into the perspectives and practices that shape us as we follow Jesus from Bentonville to the ends of the earth.


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