Women's Ministry
We offer a place where women can come together in Gospel-centered community. The women's ministry provides opportunities to connect to God and His Word, to each other, and to NHB. We do this through Women's Bible Studies, service opportunities, and fellowship events to help women connect, grow, and be equipped.

New Heights Bentonville Ministry has been such a blessing to be apart of. Spending time with women who are perusing the Lord and really digging into His word has encouraged me to pursue Jesus even when I didn’t want to. To top that off, the friendships that have developed have made my life so much richer!
- Amber Perry
God knew I needed a safe place to find my people and New Heights and the women’s ministry has been that! It has offered me a way to get to know other women, use my gifts and grow in my Bible knowledge. Building relationships through studying God’s Word, serving our community and plenty of fun activities has been a wonderful way to connect to my church and build community.
- Tina Shideler